Chapter 1- Silence
This collection was inspired by a Biblical account of Joshua- an Israeli leader- & his army’s peaceful march to overthrow the city of Jericho. The text states that God commanded the Israelites to circle the city 6 times in complete silence & on the 7th time to blast their trumpets. They did as instructed, & when they blew their horns, the walls crumbled, and the city went into chaos causing the people to turn on themselves which enabled Joshua & his troops to overthrow the city.
I aligned this Old Testament story with a New Testament verse that cites ‘Faith comes by hearing the word of God’ -
It gives pause to consider: In the midst of silence are we spoken too? If so, can it elevate our way of thinking to be able to have the confidence to accomplish powerful things in tandem with that which is greater than ourselves!?! To this end, it could be concluded that there is power in the midst of silence...and in silence, we are spoken too.
This was visually translated with a series of designs created with various textures in shades of black & white, to reflect when we listen & we choose not to hear, and the layers are the whispers in the midst of the silence.
📷 @philcrozier Model: @angigreene 💄@karenemalcolm 💇 @mialazo403
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